Ink on paper - 21x30 cm. - 2018
"During the last week I’ve been drawing, mostly flowers, motivated by a curiosity which has little to do with either botany or aesthetics. I have been asking myself whether natural forms – a tree, a cloud, a river, a stone, a flower – can be looked at and perceived as messages. Messages – it goes without saying – which can never be verbalised, and are not particularly addressed to us. Is it possible to ‘read’ natural appearances as texts?
For me there is nothing mystical in this exercise. It is a gestural exercise, whose aim is to respond to different rhythms and forms of energy, which I like to imagine as texts from a language that has not been given to us to read. Yet as I trace the text I physically identify with the thing I’m drawing and with the limitless, unknown mother tongue in which it is written.
John Berger

Video-. Delta del Tigre, Buenos Aires. Argentina - June 2017
Video-Intervention. Minas Gerais, Brazil - June 2015
Duration: 3'14''15 '' '
A video log of the passage of a day from its beginning to its end, in this place full of magic, with quartz soils and paths lined by palo santo trees. At night this record was projected on one of the walls of the uninhabited houses in this ghost town.
Day and night form a complete circle. Ying and yang. Circular movements that give us the measure of time.
One day, a lifetime. It dawns and is born, develops and dies. Thus, in an infinite circle, we are born, we live in community, and we die. Death is just that moment of passage between one state and another.
Watercolor and pencil on paper - 35x50 cm - 2016

Monocopy on paper - 20x30cm - 2014
"The axle of the wheel is supported by thirty spokes, the ride of the cart depends on the vacuum.
The clay is collected and molded, the usefulness of the bowl depends on the vacuum.
Rooms require doors and windows, but their usefulness depends on the emptiness inside.
For this reason, what is serves as a possession, while the work serves as what it is not. "
Lao Tse
Tao Te Ching.

Video-installation, Río Negro, January 2014
The stone is a silent witness of what happens during the day in the solitude of the desert. At night she dreams, reflecting a succession of images of what happened in daylight hours.